We are happy to announce that our group has been awarded a grant within the TEAM Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science. Within the scope of this project, entitled "Synthesis and Structure of Special Materials in Extreme Conditions", a team of young scientists will be employed.

They will study chemical reactions, crystallization, structure and physical properties of substances obtained in very high pressure and temperature. Like diamond compared to graphite, such new materials can have new properties desired for various technological applications.
The Team will collaborate with other research facilities and Universities, in particular with the research groups led by:
Dr. David R. Allan
(Beamline I19. Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire);
Prof. Roberto Bini
(LENS - European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy, Florence),
Prof. Roland Boese
(Anorganishe Chemie, Universitat Duisburg-Essen);
Prof. Garry J. McIntyre
(Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble);
Prof. Marek Szafranski
(Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan).
Young researchers interested in Materials Chemistry in Extreme Conditions are invited to consider the TEAM-Programme opportunities: internships for students, Ph.D students and postdocs.
Contact: Prof. Andrzej Katrusiak, e-mail: katran@amu.edu.pl
