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Welcome to High-Pressure Single-Crystal Diffraction Workshop

Scientific Scope

img/photo/frolic.jpg The Frolic Goats Workshop on High-Pressure Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction using laboratory equipment will consist of a series of general lectures and hands-on laboratory exercises. Its primary goal is to disseminate practical skills allowing one to perform high-pressure experiments in an x-ray lab, and to outline possibilities to continue one's studies at dedicated high-pressure beamlines in synchrotrons, nuclear reactors, and spallation sources. Modern x-ray diffraction equipment installed in most laboratories can be used for high-pressure experiments straightforwardly, or after few minor modifications - these modifications can be as simple as mounting a shorter collimator and re-positioning the beam-stop to provide space for the diamond-anvil cell (DAC). The DAC is a simple and relatively cheap device, so crystal structures in high pressure can be studied in most x-ray labs.



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