Abstract submission deadline have been extended till April, 20 2015
Warm up meeting point:
Monument of Cryptologists (Pomnik kryptologów), in front of Imperial Castle
first breaking the Enigma cipher
Monument of Cryptologists (Pomnik kryptologów), in front of Imperial Castle
first breaking the Enigma cipher

Diamond-anvil cell
Its primary goal is to disseminate practical skills allowing one to perform high-pressure experiments in an x-ray lab, and to outline possibilities to continue one's studies at dedicated high-pressure beamlines in synchrotrons, nuclear reactors and spallation sources.
Modern x-ray diffraction equipment installed in most laboratories can be used for high-pressure experiments straightforwardly, or after few minor modifications - these modifications can be as simple as mounting a shorter collimator and re-positioning the beam-stop to provide space for the diamond- anvil cell (DAC). The DAC is a simple and relatively cheap device, so crystal structures in high pressure can be studied in most x-ray labs.