"13th Frolic Goats Workshop on high-pressure diffraction" 19-21 April 2020 in Poznań
30.09.2018 Komisja konkursowa wyłoniła 2-wie laureatki na stanowiska student w programie OPUS 10
W wyniku prowadzonego Otwartego Konkursu Stypendialnego dla absolwentów chemii i
kierunków pokrewnych na stanowiska studentów stypendystów w ramach projektu OPUS Nr 2015/19/B/ST5/00262,
"Materiały porowate w warunkach ekstremalnych" przyznanym przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki
komisja konkursowa wyłoniła 2-wie laureatki konkursu, zostały nimi:
Ida Bukalska i Karolina Fercz
Oferta stypendialna w Zakładzie Chemii Materiałów, Wydział Chemii UAM
Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 8,
61-614 Poznań, w projekcie OPUS 10 (finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki: NCN )
"11th Frolic Goats Workshop on high-pressure diffraction" 13-15 May 2018 in Poznań
"10th Frolic Goats Workshop on high-pressure diffraction" 8-9 September 2017 in Poznań
55th EHPRG Meeting High Pressure Science and Technology 3-8 September 2017, Poznań, Poland
Wykład otwarty podczas 55th EHPRG Meeting High Pressure Science and Technology 5.09.2017
Prof. dr. Leonid Dubrovinsky wygłosi wykład otwarty "Journey to the center of the Earth 150 years after Jules Verne: Science-not fiction " 5.09.2017 godz. 18.00, w Auli UAM w Poznaniu;wykład w j. angielskim, podczas 55th EHPRG Meeting High Pressure Science and Technology. Jako "support" 17.30 wystąpią zespoły młodych naukowców z Wydziału Chemii UAMOferta stypendialna w Zakładzie Chemii Materiałów, Wydział Chemii UAM
Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 8,
61-614 Poznań, w projekcie OPUS 10 (finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki: NCN )
Stipend offer for PhD student in our Department of Materials Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 8,
61-614 Poznań, Poland in the project; OPUS
28.10.2016 Jędrzej Marciniak, PhD student from our Department, was awarded scientific stipend
Jędrzej Marciniak, PhD student from our Department, was awarded scientific stipend for PhD students in 2016/17 from Foundation by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań4.10.2016 Komisja konkursowa wyłoniła 2-wie laureatki na stanowiska student w programie OPUS 10
W wyniku prowadzonego Otwartego Konkursu Stypendialnego dla absolwentów chemii i
kierunków pokrewnych na stanowiska studentów stypendystów w ramach projektu OPUS Nr 2015/19/B/ST5/00262,
"Materiały porowate w warunkach ekstremalnych" przyznanym przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki
komisja konkursowa wyłoniła 2-wie laureatki konkursu:
Paulinę Popielarz i Aleksandrę Półrolniczak
29.09.2016 Komisja konkursowa wyłoniła 1-go laureata na stanowiska doktorant w programie OPUS 10
W wyniku prowadzonego Otwartego Konkursu Stypendialnego dla absolwentów chemii i
kierunków pokrewnych na 2-wa stanowiska doktorantów stypendystów w ramach projektu OPUS Nr 2015/19/B/ST5/00262,
"Materiały porowate w warunkach ekstremalnych" przyznanym przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki
komisja konkursowa wyłoniła 1-go laureata konkursu:
Szymona Sobczaka
27.09.2016 Marcin Podsiadło - recipient of 11st edition scholarship for outstanding scientists
PhD Marcin Podsiadło has been awarded a scholarship for outstanding scientists granted by Ministry of Science and Higher Education [read]
Stipend offer for PhD student and Student in our Department of Materials Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University
Umultowska 89b,
61-614 Poznań, Poland in the project; OPUS
Jędrzej Marciniak, PhD student from our Department, was awarded "Lodovico Prize"
J. Marciniak, PhD student from our Department, was awarded "Lodovico Prize" for the most dynamic student during the 49th Course of the International School of Crystallography in Erice [diploma] and [prize]Ewa Patyk, PhD student from our Department, was awarded the START 2016 stipend
In 2016 the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) was awarded the START stipend to 121 the most talented young scientists throughout Poland. Among laureates is our PhD student Ewa Patyk."9th Frolic Goats Workshop on high-pressure diffraction" 24-26 April 2016 in Poznań
Film "Jak powstaje śnieg i lód" (The movie: "How are being created snow and ice"), Adam Mickiewicz University's INTERACTIVE SCIENTIFIC TV PLATFORM IN PIONIER NETWORK, Z Życia Universytetu 178/2015 with the participation of A. Katrusiak, M. Andrzejewski, S. Sobczak
Film "Wysokie ciśnienia w naturze i nauce" (The movie: "High pressure in nature and science"), promoting research in our department and in the project TEAM/2009-4/6
The movie directed by Movie Studio of Adam Mickiewicz University; the movie was awarded the statuette "Golden Copernicus" in the category of education , during the festival"Edukino in 2015 which promotes educational films
Our M. Sc. student Andrzej Gładysiak was awarded the Medal for outstanding achievements in science and distinctive services for our University
The Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, during the inauguration the academic year 2015/2016 handed the the medal to M. Sc. student Andrzej Gładysiak for outstanding achievements in science and distinctive business in the life of our University [medal-diploma] [photo]Andrzej Gładysiak, M. Sc. student from our Department, graduating Master Studies with Maxima Cum Laude distinction
Andrzej Gładysiak, M. Sc. student from our Department, graduating Master Studies with Maxima Cum Laude distinction [diploma] [photo]PhD Weizhao Cai has awarded in competition of the Polish Chemistry Association (PTChem) for the best Ph.D thesis in 2014
21 September, 2015 during 58 Meeting Polish Chemistry Association has awarded in competition of the Polish Chemistry Association (PTChem) for the best Ph.D thesis in 2014 [diploma]26.06.2015 Michał Kaźmierczak has taken 3rd place in category "the best poster presentation"
Michał Kaźmierczak, PhD student from our Department, has taken 3rd place in category "the best poster presentation" at the 57thPolish Crystallographic Meeting, Wrocław, Poland, 24-26.06.2015 [diploma]
12.06.2015 PhD Weizhao Cai has awarded the IIIrd edition competition of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań
PhD Weizhao Cai has awarded in the IIIrd edition competition of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań for the best doctoral student creative original article published in 2014 in the area of science and Earth sciences [Giant negative linear compression positively coupled to massive thermal expansion in a metal-organlc framework, Nature Communications, 2O14 5 4337 (DOI:10.1038/ncomms5337)][read] [diploma]
3.05.2015 Anna Jenczak has taken 1 st place in category lecture-own research during XLII Nationwide School of Chemistry - Spring 2015
Anna Jenczak, student from Adam Mickiewicz University, has taken 1st place in category lecture-own research during XLII Nationwide School of Chemistry - Spring 2015 in Lubenia, Poland. [read]
21.12.2014 PhD thesis of Magdalena Sikora distinguished
PhD thesis of Magdalena Sikora: "The Transformation of NH···N and OH···O Hydrogen Bonds in Molecular Crystals" has been distinguished by the Faculty of Chemistry Council of Adam Mickiewicz University. [read]
18.11.2014 PhD Marcin Podsiadło - recipient of 4th edition IUVENTUS PLUS programme
PhD Marcin Podsiadło has become a recipient of 4th edition IUVENTUS PLUS programme of Ministry of Science and Higher Education. [read]
03.09.2014 PhD Anna Olejniczak - recipient of 9th edition scholarship for outstanding scientists
PhD Anna Olejniczak has been awarded a scholarship for outstanding scientists granted by Ministry of Science and Higher Education. [read]
25.06.2014 Andrzej Gładysiak has takes 2nd place in 1st National Crystallographic Olympiad
Andrzej Gładysiak, student from Adam Mickiewicz University, has taken 2nd place in 1st National Crystallographic Olympiad, organized by Polish Academy of Science in Wrocław, Poland. [read]
Department of Materials Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University
Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 8,
61-614 Poznań, Poland
tel.: +48 618291590,-1648; fax.: +48 618291555; URL: